Thursday, March 26, 2009

Good times

So we've been home now for a couple of weeks and I thought it was about time to post some pics from Utah. We had such a good time!! We ate at all our favorite restaurants, went to some fun new places, but most of all just hung out with our families. That is my favorite part, just chilling at my mom's with everyone I love most in the whole world!! The kids did awesome on the plane!! They seriously were so well behaved, I almost didn't recognize them :) Thanks to grandma Lu and grandpa Mark for the suitcases! They were a hit! We were a bit like a three ring circus through the airport! Lots of comments and funny looks. I should have just made a sign that said "Yes, they are all mine!" Keeping everyone together and going the same direction was definitely the hardest part.

Sleeping arrangements at Grandma's. Yeah, just what you think - not a lot of sleeping going on at night. I thought they would crash since we stayed up until at least 11:00 every night, but no! They would play and play. Funny the first night - not so funny night two through fourteen :)

Grandma and my happy baby!

Marcus and his own gallon of chocolate milk. This kid can pack the cm away!!!!

All the cousins at breakfast

How is that for a six pack?

OK. So I put the pictures in the wrong order! I'm retarded, what can I say! Kenley has been wanting to cut her hair for a while and we think she looks so dang cute!!! I must admit I got choked up a bit. It makes her look so grown up. We even cut a little bit more off after this picture because Kade informed her that it was still touching her shoulders and he thought she should cut off a little bit more.

Bye Bye!!!

Before with Nicki - our live in hair dresser!

One of many pizza parties!

Kenley with Great Grandma. She seriously loves her and talks about her all the time. I happen to be a little fond of her myself! Love you grandma!!!!!!!!

Riding the front runner to Gateway. The kids thought it was so cool to ride a "train"

We went to Discovery Gateway and had a blast! There were so many fun things to do!

We thought Miles was big enough to pull out the tigger bouncer. He loved it, but mostly just loved chillin.
We had such a fun time! And of course everyone got sick, except me. A trip to Utah wouldn't be complete without Justin barfing and all the kids getting horrible coughs and runny noses!! Thanks to mom for putting up with us in the middle of a remodel! Like you needed more mess, right? Just so you know we did hang out with the Woodruff's too, I just don't have any pictures to prove it :) They just love going there and playing with everyone. We love you all!!!


Lindsay Heitz said...

Looks like a great time. We really need to plan next time to get together so that the kids can play. I'm cool with you just dropping them off to play also so you can go do something without the kids. I'm sure it's harder to get a break when you live out of state.
I love seeing kids in the airport with their suitcases. I think it is so cute! I can only imagine how adorable it was. They are such cuties. I love that picture of Miles 6-pack. That is awesome!
Glad you made it back safely and sanely. :)

aliciamae100 said...

The picture of Miles in the jumper is really too cute! I want to get one for Afton.
I can't tell you how happy I am you finally did a new post! ;) I sure miss you guys! Have you picked out your fabric yet???

Wade Family said...

Looks like you guys had a great time in Utah...then again how could you not? At first when I was reading I though you braved the trip alone, then I figured out Justin went....whew! I can totally agree with the comment about wearing a sign in the airport. I can't tell you how many looks and comments I got about my three kids all belonging to me. Glad you got to spend some time with your family. Hope you guys are doing well. Love Kenley's haircut and that picture of Miles' six pack is the cute!